• Before Rulemaking, FCC Flooded With Net Neutrality Objections
    The Federal Communications Commission hasn't even drafted proposed neutrality rules, but that's not stopping lawmakers, companies and a host of outside organizations from flooding the agency with objections.
  • AT&T's Rabble-Rousing Rhetoric Against Google
    AT&T is ratcheting up its effort to cast Google as a violator of net neutrality principles for preventing users of its voice app from making some rural calls.
  • News Corp.: Google News Lives Off 'Sweat Of Our Brow'
    News Corp. is continuing to publicly press its case that Web sites are threatening journalism by "free riding" on copyrighted material. "Aggregators and Google News are, to us, the worst offenders," general counsel Lawrence Jacobs said today at a luncheon talk at Brooklyn Law School. "They make money by living off the sweat of our brow.
  • Guardian Censored, Twitterverse To The Rescue
    On Monday, the U.K. paper The Guardian reported that a court had issued an order banning the newspaper from writing about a matter currently pending in the country's parliament. The article was vague, but a legion of journalists, bloggers and Twitters soon pieced together the details.
  • Do Web Users Prefer Speed To Accuracy?
    Should news sites post first and ask questions later? Consultants to The Columbus Dispatch apparently think so. Editor Benjamin Marrison reports that consultants have told the Dispatch that readers don't object when online reports have errors. "They said Internet readers want to be part of the reporting process," Marrison wrote. "The consultants continued: Online news consumers don't mind if your initial report is inaccurate. They just want it first. Online readers know that, over time, the truth will come out."
  • News Corp, AP Take On 'Content Kleptomaniacs'
    News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch is now condemning online aggregators as "content kleptomaniacs" who threaten to put news companies out of business.
  • StationStops Gets Ticket To Ride
    Apple is once again selling StationStops, an iPhone app that gives commuters information about the train schedules between New York City and the northern suburbs.
  • AT&T's Bid To Prevent Wireless Neutrality Rules
    Last year, as the Federal Communications Commission was investigating Comcast's blocking of peer-to-peer visits, the Internet service provider announced that it would develop a protocol-neutral system of traffic management.
  • The FTC's Double Standard On Swag
    For as long as marketers have used the Internet, they have arranged for shill reviews, created fake blogs, or paid bloggers for positive posts.
  • Facebook Harassment Suit Could Spur Cyberbullying Laws
    Gaming industry foe Jack Thompson says he's been subject to a "reign of terror" of harassment dating back to 2005, when he denounced "Grand Theft Auto" on "60 Minutes." Now, he alleges in a new lawsuit, people have taken their campaigns against him to Facebook, where they've created groups dedicated to harassing him.
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