• Will Google Glass Wearers Face Criminal Charges?
    Google Glass wearers have been warned they won't be welcome in restaurants, movie theaters and casinos. But those problems pale in comparison to one flagged this week by Paul Alan Levy, an attorney with the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen. Levy says that Google Glass wearers in around a dozen states could potentially face criminal prosecution for recording people without their knowledge.
  • Universal Music And Digital Rights Group Continue 'Dancing Baby' Battle
    A lengthy battle stemming from a YouTube clip of a baby dancing to a Prince song could lead some entertainment companies to rethink the way they police the Web for copyright infringement.
  • Megaupload Protests 'Secret' Ruling That Could Help MPAA
    It's been almost two years since the federal government raided the New Zealand home of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom and had him thrown in jail for copyright infringement. The government's theory, set out in a January 2012 indictment, is that Dotcom and other executives engaged in a conspiracy to infringe copyright by encouraging users to upload pirated clips to the online storage service.
  • Will Consumers' Loss Against Apple Affect Other Privacy Cases?
    Apple recently scored a huge victory in court when a federal judge dismissed a privacy lawsuit accusing the company of transmitting too much information to app developers.
  • Judge Throws Out Lawsuit Challenging Google's Privacy Policy
    Google has defeated a class-action lawsuit challenging changes made in 2012 to its privacy policy. U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal in San Jose, Calif. ruled that the consumers who sued didn't outline how Google violated any laws by revising its privacy policy in March of last year. On Wednesday, Grewal dismissed the lawsuit without prejudice, meaning that the consumers can still revise their allegations and try again. Grewal gave them until mid-January to do so.
  • Hotfile To Pay $80M To Settle MPAA Copyright Suit
    The cyberlocker Hotfile agreed to pay $80 million to the Motion Picture Association of America, in order to settle a copyright infringement lawsuit, the MPAA said today.
  • FTC To Examine How Stores Track Smartphone Users
    Two years ago, Sen. Chuck Schumer asked the Federal Trade Commission to address privacy issues posed by retailers' ability to track consumers through their cell phones. Today, the FTC took him up on the request. The agency announced this morning that it intends to convene a seminar to discuss "mobile device tracking," which involves tracking customers via their phones' MAC addresses -- 12-digit identifiers assigned to any device that is capable of connecting to the Web.
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