February 10, 2015

Beacon Reset

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Tuesday, 02/10

8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM ET
Registration Opens
8:15 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
Coffee & Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM ET
9:00 AM ET
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Chuck Martin, Editor, Net Future Institute, AI & IoT Daily 
9:15 AM ET
9:15 AM ET
Panel: Post-Holiday Beaconing: Where Do We Go from Here?

With the holiday shopping season in the rearview mirror, where do strategies for beacons go from here? With beacon advertising and marketing platforms proliferating, how do brands and agencies decide which one is best for them and why?  This panel of experts defines the key ingredients for a solid beacon strategy taking into account the learnings from beaconing to-date. How do marketers solve the problem of insuring mobile shoppers have their Bluetooth connections turned on and the correct apps in their phones' libraries? Merchants can use beaconing for customer acquisition customer retention or both, begging the question of whether or not beacon recognition should be included within the retailer’s app. This panel takes on the complex beaconing issues of brands going direct, retailers aggregating brands and outside apps taking advertising revenue while being used in someone else’s store.

Tim Hanlon, Founder & CEO, The Vertere Group 
Matt Alcone, Chairman & CEO, Alcone Marketing Group 
Bill Carmody, CEO, Trepoint 
Ethan Goodman, Vice President, Digital & Innovation, The Mars Agency 
Dave Meeker, Vice President, Isobar 
10:00 AM ET
10:00 AM ET
Keynote Interview: Beacon Integration: What to Consider Before You Ramp-up Your Rollout
Buy a handful of beacons, install them throughout a venue, power up the app and let the messaging begin. Is it really that easy?  Building a coherent strategy for leveraging this technology and getting the network to perform as planned is easier said than done. This is not an iPad. Madison Square Garden’s VP of Digital Products Tom Tercek talks about the year-long journey towards their upcoming launch; from coverage to messaging compatibility to consumer-friendliness.  The beaconing journey is much more complex than it may appear. But the opportunities are vast.
Tom Tercek, VP, Digital Products, Madison Square Garden 
Chuck Martin, Editor, Net Future Institute, AI & IoT Daily 
10:30 AM ET
10:30 AM ET
Coffee Break
11:00 AM ET
11:00 AM ET
Presentation: Making Beacons Work
Beacon buzz is everywhere, but what exactly can beacons do ... and not do? How accurate are these little transmission devices, who can they reach and how, and what can you do with this information? How many should be used within any given area and how does a marketer decide which apps technically work best with which beacons? Greg Ratner, director of technology at Deep Focus, outlines the practical realities of beacon technology and the essentials you need to know, including the capabilities – and limitations – of beacons.
Greg Ratner, Director of Technology, Deep Focus 
11:30 AM ET
11:30 AM ET
Discussion: Beacon Deals – and Getting Past Them

Research consistently shows that mobile shoppers are swayed by coupons and deals. There are various ways to deliver deals by beacon, including scratch-off codes, full-screen coupons and precise location-based offers. Supermarket chains have been fine-tuning coupon targeting for decades, well before beaconing. We’ve asked these experts to take on the issue of what can be migrated to a beaconed environment and what new twists can be added. They will help clarify the line between the creepy and cool side of beaconing and take a look at which incentives can keep consumers coming back without skimming profit margins.

Warren Zenna, EVP, Managing Director US, Mobext / Havas Media 
Tony Bailey, SVP/Technology, DigitasLBi, US 
Tom Edwards, Chief Digital Officer, Agency, Epsilon 
Jordan Gray, Manager, Creative Lab, Organic 
Nick Kraska, Director of Digital Products, FCB Chicago 
Kathryn Worthington, Head of Strategy and Planning, R/GA Chicago 
12:15 PM ET
12:15 PM ET
Presentation: Beaconing Large: Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival
The annual Bonnaroo outdoor music festival, which draws upwards of 80,000 attendees, wanted to see how beacons might be used to serve that large attendees base. After using more than 100 beacons over the four days, the organization learned a lot. Jeff Cuellar, vice president of AC Entertainment, co-founder and producer of the event, details how consumers interacted and reacted to being beaconed, and what they may do differently next time based on what they found out.
Jeff Cuellar, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, AC Entertainment 
12:45 PM ET
12:45 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
1:45 PM ET
1:45 PM ET
Welcome Back
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
Discussion: Beyond the Beacon Trigger: New Models for In-Store Creative Advertising

Advertising on the relatively small smartphone screen has hardly been a hit to date. Once initiated by a beacon signal, what creative will work best? What is the role of post-beaconing, such as sending ad messaging well after leaving a store? What about using past beaconing knowledge to drive foot traffic back to a store? What are consumer expectations from in-store engagements? What future creative options might be used to catch the shopper’s eye? Three creative minds discuss the best beacon-triggered creative approaches for in-store mobile marketing and mobile advertising.

Ian Beacraft, Digital Strategy Director, Havas Worldwide 
Freddy Gomez, Creative Director, Rapp 
Ben Murphy, Director of Technology, FCB Chicago 
Scott Varland, Vice President, Creative, IPG Media Lab 
2:45 PM ET
2:45 PM ET
Presentation: Beacons in the World of CPG

In one of the first nationwide beacon deployments, Hillshire Brands found that purchase intent increased 20 times for those exposed to beacon-triggered messages in grocery stores. And that was just the beginning, slightly ahead of the merger of Tyson Foods with Hillshire, David Ervin, VP, Marketing Services at Tyson, and Chris Hiland, Chief Growth Officer at its agency BPN, will discuss how beacons and geo-targeting are changing how brands interact with their consumers and provide some insights Hillshire has learned along the way.

David Ervin, Vice President, Marketing Services, Tyson Foods 
Chris Hiland, Chief Strategy Officer, BPN 
3:15 PM ET
3:15 PM ET
Coffee Break
3:45 PM ET
3:45 PM ET
Presentation: Fitting Beacons into a Digital Strategy: The Grand Rapids Public Museum
When the Grand Rapids Public Museum crossed paths with beacons a year and a half ago, it had to determine the fit within the long-term strategic plan already in place. Starting way back in 2013, the museum conducted one trial and then expanded its beaconing program into the museum in a bigger way. Kate Moore, vice president of marketing at the museum, will discuss how beacons fit into the digital strategy, what they learned along the way and will share some thoughts on where they may go from here.
Kate Moore, Vice President, Marketing, Grand Rapids Public Museum 
Chuck Martin, Editor, Net Future Institute, AI & IoT Daily 
4:15 PM ET
4:15 PM ET
Panel: Metrics, Metrics, Metrics: Tracking the Money in Beacons

One of the key questions in any beacon deployment is identifying the source of the payback. Aside from purchasing and installing beacons, agencies and brands need to define the goals ... ranging from increasing product awareness to actual purchases. Complexities include linkage to legacy point of sales systems and loyalty programs and the cost of sales staff training. Open and click through rates are barely table stakes with beacons. This panel defines the new beacon metrics.

Sarah Vanheirseele, Vice President of Digital, Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide 
Azher Ahmed, SVP Director of Digital Operations, DDB Chicago 
Matthew Cava, Client Partner; Digital & Mobile, Razorfish 
Andy Chu, Divisional Vice President & GM, Sears Holding Company 
Greg Getner, Planning Director, Y&R Chicago 
Dan Swartz, SVP, Digital, Media & Analytics, Upshot 
5:00 PM ET
5:00 PM ET
Conference Concludes