• What Rugby Taught Me About Leadership
    Working with a renowned rugby team, I failed to appreciate how thoughtful the players and coaches would be -- and how much I had to learn from them.
  • Notes From The Road: IAB Ukraine Connect In Kyiv
    I had the great honor to speak at the IAB Ukraine's first Connect conference in Kyiv -- also one of its few in-person events since Russia invaded the country.
  • The State of Ad Tech In 2024
    The industry is very much matured, and growth is about saturation. A company will grow as the entire market begins to use its tool, and that's where things get interesting.
  • Can AI Help Us Communicate With The Dead?
    Forget Ouja boards -- AI can provide a more lifelike illusion that the grieving are really talking to their dearly departed.
  • Principal Media Is Growing -- Marketers Need To Take Action
    Principal media is when advertising agencies buy their own media and then resell that media to their clients. Could be problematic.
  • What If Russia Wins?
    For one, emboldened China, Iran and North Korea will step up their own regional aggressions.
  • The Biggest Changes In 'TV' May Not Be What You Think
    Inventory is no longer finite. And what's more, the audience is no longer captive.
  • Can Media Move The Overton Window?
    There is a frame that sets the boundaries for what the majority of society understands to be be acceptable for public discourse.
  • Harvard Firebrand Larry Lessig: Tax Facebook To Save Democracy
    "A tax that increases with the level of engagement would give platforms a financial reason to discourage excessive use and the spread of harmful content."
  • The Real Problem With Apple's Ad
    It forced us to reckon with all the ways we've abandoned tactile, physical, real-world experiences in favor of our digital toys.
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