Senate Report Recognizes Concerns Of Publishers With AI

The publishing industry is supporting an effort by the U.S. Senate to get its arms around the subject of AI.

The Senate AI Working Group sought to bring “leading experts into a unique dialogue with the Senate on some of the most profound policy questions AI presents,” in a report issued this week. 

The report, Driving U.S. Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, recognizes “the AI-related concerns of professional content creators and publishers, particularly given the importance of local news and that consolidation in the journalism industry has resulted in fewer local news options in small towns and rural areas,” it states. 

It adds, “The relevant Senate committees may wish to examine the impacts of AI in this area and develop legislation to address areas of concern.” 

Support was offered by Danielle Coffey, president & CEO of the News/Media Alliance, who will participate in the Forum on Transparency, Explainability, Intellectual Property, and Copyright. 



“Media publishers recognize the exciting potential in responsibly deployed AI innovations, and that unregulated, generative AI also poses a significant threat to the pillars of a healthy and informed democracy,” Coffey says. “We are very grateful that this report encourages the relevant committees to address the concerns of local news providers and recognizes other important AI principles, including transparency, labeling, and content provenance, which are imperative for the committees to consider.” 

Coffey adds, “We encourage further progress towards legislative action that would address these critical issues and will work with congressional leadership towards that end.”

The Working Group includes Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) and Senators Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota), Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico) and Todd Young (R-Indiana).

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