• NY State Privacy Bill, Called Tougher Than California's, Still Needs Sponsor
    The New York Privacy Act still needs a sponsor in the state assembly, having been introduced in the senate. But experts are already warning that the bill, which allows private right of action, is tougher than the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  • What Charities Need To Know About Europe's Pending E-Regulations
    Charitable fundraisers are hardly exempt from the GDPR and other regulations. Here is a primer on how the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations will affect email marketing by charities. 
  • 10 Ways To Improve Your Click-Through Rate
    Consumers receive dozens — or hundreds — of marketing emails per day. Few are opened, and even fewer drive clicks. Here are 10 way to improve your click-through rate. 
  • UAE Mulls GDPR-Style Cyber Law
    The UAE is considering a data protection law similar to the GDPR. The country is seeking to enable swift response to cyber incidents. 
  • Tips For Fledgling Email Marketers
    Nobody wants to be called an amateur or a newbie. But for those that fit this description, here is a checklist for getting started in email marketing, from forming a strategy to automation.
  • Using Email To Drive BOPIS And Increase Store Traffic
    Retailers are gaining traction with buy-online-pick-up-in-store service (BOPIS). Here’s a guide to incorporating BOPIS into your email marketing campaigns.  
  • Email Marketing Platforms With High ROI
    Looking for an email marketing platform? Here are 13 top platforms with high ROI, chosen by ease of use, ability to build subscriber databases, social media integration and reporting. 
  • New Gmail For Android Features 'Buggy' Dark Theme
    Gmail For Android has rolled out Version 2019.06.09 for Android,  featuring the early stages of a dark mode. But it’s still buggy and not yet visually usable.  
  • Slack CEO Predicts End To Company Email
    Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield says email will be phased out of companies within seven years. However, he adds, “The broader world of email will stick around.” Slack will debut on the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday. 
  • The Trick To Automating Data Under GDPR
    Some companies are over-complying with GDPR and deleting too much data. The solution is to use encryption methods in pseudonymization and anonymization, an expert argues.    
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