
Lose The Marketing Love Handles Without Lifting A Finger

I got an email the other day from a marketing technology company trumpeting its software's ability to help me "improve marketing ROI without lifting a finger." Wow. Incredible. Can't be true, can it? 

I asked for a demonstration copy to see if I could realize the incredible benefit, but no …

5 comments about "Lose The Marketing Love Handles Without Lifting A Finger".
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  1. Bert Shlensky from stretchandcover , February 16, 2010 at 3:43 p.m.

    this is great .
    I am so tired of internet presentations that promise the world with no facts, no understadning of your business and no real examples of success . That is why Google is so succesful . They give you the tools to fgure most things out unlike any of the social marketing GURUS.

  2. Anna Talerico, February 16, 2010 at 4:04 p.m.

    My first reaction was "oh, please let it not be my marketing technology company that he's talking about". Once that panic had passed (no, not us!), I read the article. And read it again. And want the world to read it. WELL DONE!

  3. Nelson Yuen from Stereotypical Mid Sized Services Corp., February 16, 2010 at 4:19 p.m.

    ... i wanna work for the author LOL

  4. Cynthia Holladay from UpRight Marketing, February 16, 2010 at 5:39 p.m.

    Amen. Unfortunately, we see this type of messaging (and method) everywhere. But it must work. We get the marketing we deserve... However, we train and coach our clients how to create great messaging. It's amazing when we see how powerful it is to apply truth and logic.

  5. David Shor from Prove, February 16, 2010 at 10:33 p.m.

    Welll....there are technologies that can predict and find opportunities for improvement and, in fact, optimize. Take, for example, tools like TrackSimple. Automated optimization, no humans needed, but it ultimately frees us up to do more valuable things with our time than mining data for patterns.

    To your point, however, software will not get in a boardroom and make a presentation about where to go next or secure itself the next $10 million budget.

    But face it, marketing tech is making HUGE strides, especially this year with DSP and audience-targeting. You just have to have a knack for precisely how to use these tools. I've spent my career viewing my role as a Marketing Chief Technology Officer, so to speak. And it's paying off nicely.

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