
Marketing A Reinvention

When it comes to Boomer reinventions, the degrees to which they occur run the gamut. Some are a matter of personal or physical improvement, like committing to a new workout regimen, taking a stand against graying hair, or learning a new language. Others emphasize outward expressions of a refresh -- …
4 comments about "Marketing A Reinvention ".
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  1. Ann Fry from The REGeneration Group, January 13, 2011 at 10:27 a.m.

    Genna, Thanks for a great article. As one of those aging boomers myself, I aspire to be like Dr. Brodsky. I spend my time reminding my fellow boomers that we led the major shifts that have benefited the generations to follow. I particularly love your comment about boomers being reminded of how far they've come but how much farther there is to go. My motto is this: I've accomplished so much between 50 - 65, imagine what I can do between 65 - 80. Society often discounts the wisdom and treats the seniors as invisible or throw-aways. I suggest just the opposite .. let's honor our aging, as many other cultures do and inspire us to move forward, using our voices to continue changing the world. Thank you.

  2. Genna Mazor, January 13, 2011 at 1:54 p.m.

    Hi Ann, Thanks for writing. I agree with you. Generations that came after the Boomers should be grateful for the changes Boomers ignited and not treat seniors as invisible. Some of the best advice I've received came from Boomers. Those who have been in this world longer than I certainly have more knowledge and experience than I do.

  3. Arthur Koff from, January 13, 2011 at 3:51 p.m.

    We are finding at that many boomers who are looking for employment have at least temporarily given up and are starting their own business or enterprise.

    The traffic to our work from home and start your own business pages has increased substantially and we just put up information on owning your own UPS Store which has received a great deal of traffic in the past few days.

    Our traffic is almost 54% female and I am surprised at the number of women who are interested in going out on their own at this stage of their lives.

  4. Paula Lynn from Who Else Unlimited, January 13, 2011 at 4:07 p.m.

    We have to also remember not that long ago, in 1900, the average life span was 50 years old. By 1950 during the booming childhood, 65 year old people were old. Today, people in their 70's are not that old and so go their activities. Market and provide products/services/opportunities accordingly. Teaching would also be a great next step. Just think of the benefits if the educational system shake up the formats with part-time history teachers, math teachers, english teachers instead of full time employees.

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