
Moms Choose Technology That Connects Them With Other Moms

Motherhood in the U.S. has changed dramatically over the past several decades, together with the evolving role of women. In conjunction comes explosive technological growth. Technology nearly dominates our society, and moms are adapting to that transition as fast as it is happening. With this in mind, health marketers need to recognize their changing roles and the effect of technology.

Word of mouth has always been a powerful means to share information, particularly for moms because they often trust each other simply through the bond of the parenting experience. With technology, that word-of-mouth community is rapidly expanding. Moms are reading about and sharing experiences on blogs, communicating through other social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, and using search engines to find even more.

Most industries can benefit from this changing U.S. mom market, and the health industry is in a particularly favorable position. In addition to their other roles, moms are the caregivers in most families. As mothers aim to balance work and family, their role often includes taking the lead on family health, whether it be treating the illness of a child or monitoring the meals of the family to ensure better health. Mothers also often take control when aging parents need assistance. In fact, a report from found that 93% of the moms surveyed manage the health and well being of their entire household.



All of this caretaking requires health-related knowledge. Moms are doing Google searches, turning to health-related Web sites and, most importantly, they are talking to each other; verbally, in email, and through blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

From data collected in a 2011 survey for, "How U.S. Moms Share & Spread Health Information 2011 Report," it was found from mothers who often share health information that:

  • Email and Facebook are their top choices for sharing knowledge; 84% often share things via email and 69% often share via Facebook.
  • Email and Facebook are also the places where they most often hear about the new things -- 83% often find out about news things via email, and 76% via Facebook. Only 65% choose television.
  • On a daily basis, 98% check email, 84% visit Facebook, 60% visit a news Web site, and 60% talk on the phone with a friend.

Moms who share health information are sharing their knowledge and opinions about products and services with family, friends and other parents. These moms also are at the center of the technological growth that continues to transform society, which means they are connecting with the world outside close friends and family -- a global community of tech-savvy moms who also are ready to share and listen.

While most industries should take another look at how they're marketing to mothers, the health industry should pay close attention. There is opportunity to reach this valuable market and benefit from its historic transformation.

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