Another major newspaper is about to start asking readers to pay for online content. On Wednesday morning, The Boston Globe will unveil the paywall for, ending a free trial period and requiring visitors to pony up for digital subscriptions. Under the new system, readers will have to pay $3.99 per week for access; as with other
online paywalls, home delivery subscribers will not have to pay extra for Web content.
In addition to being customized for a variety of digital devices, including smartphones and tablets, the new site allows readers to save stories for later offline reading. It also offers additional video and photography, as well as more archival material.
The paper's original site,, will continue to be free, offering daily sports coverage and a limited number of free stories from the newspaper's print edition. The home page and section fronts of will also remain accessible to all users, according to the newspaper. Boston Globe executives previously said they expect readers to visit both sites, rather than migrating to the new one exclusively.
The new site will also offer Boston Globe Insiders program members with access to exclusive editorial content, events with editorial staff, offers and events from Globe advertisers.
Before debuted last month, the Web site attracted roughly 5 million unique visitors a month, according to Nielsen.