
Enterprise DMP Will Require Companies To Merge Data Silos

Real-time optimization and ad technologies that pull information from databases to serve up advertisements or trigger events like text messages will require companies to rethink IT infrastructures.

[x+1] launched a feature that brings real-time messaging across Web sites, landing pages, display media, email and more with the release of the Data Management Platform (DMP) technology in Origin 3.5. The platform has the potential to personalize the experience because these interactions based on data trigger messages as events happen.

[X+1] CEO John Nardone thinks it's less about the technology and more about the organizational structure and implications for large companies. As more of these capabilities emerge, companies will need to rethink merging data silos and changing business process.

Agencies and consultancies will need to learn how to merge data silos for companies looking to implement this type of technology.

Here's how the feature works. The logic helping to make the decision comes from [x+1]'s DMP. The platform grabs the information in the database and pushes it into other systems that can identify a consumer. Maybe that's a value score or credit history. That data and score trigger other events, such as a text message on a mobile phone or a chat window on a PC. It could tell the person a company representative is standing by to talk, if needed.



The platform merges historic customer data with current behavioral data, so decisions to serve up a text message or open a chat window get made in real time.

It's known as an event subscription model that runs in the background. The system receiving the data subscribes to certain events, such as a consumer's interaction with a mortgage calculator. Once the event occurs, the platform looks up the logic to determine what to do next. The [X+1] platform could tie into most any system to trigger an event.   

There's another down side for marketers: A company's IT department must get involved in the deployment of the feature. It takes technical integration and planning. 

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