Adobe Gives New Meaning To Search Advertising, Makes Online Ads Searchable


Adobe has developed a method through HTML5 that allows brands to build advertising content that Google can index in search results. The Edge tools, an alternative to Flash, allows companies to build animation into their Web site or online ads.

Mark Anders, Adobe Fellow, calls the content "a presentation on the Web site or something that could resemble an ad" built in Edge as a special version of HTML5 file. The format enables Google's and Bing's bots to recognize the file as text and serve up the content in search results.

Aside from l owering development costs for ad agencies, the technology provides multiplatform support. With the ability to turn ads into searchable content, the next question is whether the search engines will block or ask agencies to prevent the content from serving up.

Earlier this month, Adobe released Edge preview 6, adding productivity and publishing tools. Content made with Edge runs on mobile devices or desktops.

Adobe transitioned from Flash to HTML5 for several reasons. Among them, Apple would not allow anything Flash-related to run on the iPad. Search engines such as Google or Bing could not read Flash well enough to index the content, but Anders said the engines can have problems reading HTML if the content is not structured properly.

Usually Edge saves files in HTML and dynamically injects the code into the pages at runtime through JavaScript. It works similar to Gmail. Since Google can't index it, Adobe engineers created a publishing option. Publishing content as static HTML allows companies to create and optimize content search engines can read.

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