
How Video Content Will Drive Search Engine Marketing In 2013

Evan-Greene-ACMO Evan Greene of The Recording Academy, the producer of the Grammy Awards, knows how TV and video continue to change search engine marketing. Although he's preparing for tonight's Grammy Nominations Concert Live from Nashville, Greene will join MediaPost next week at the Search Insider Summit to talk about the integration of television, social and search.

2013 will bring the explosion of content that connects broadcast, offline marketing and online video. Streamed video content will become one of the biggest drivers, leading to conversions from Web sites to search results to social pages in sites like Facebook and Twitter -- not just for national brands, but small local mom and pop stores too. Technology will make it affordable and easier to generate return on investments to produce it.

In September, comScore estimates 181 million unique video viewers online -- about 83% of the Internet population, according to a report from ZenithOptimedia. Cross-platform consumption of video content will become more important. The agency expects online video budgets in the U.S. to rise 29% compared with 2011. The industry should see more than 29% growth in 2013, 27% in 2014, and 27% in 2015. While TV spending remains strong, marketers will shift traditional video into online and other digital formats. Online video and social media also will help drive 20% annual growth in Internet display ads during the next three years.

Live video viewing grew in popularity and the length of time consumers spent watching content in Q3 2012, according to a report from Ooyala. Viewers who watch videos on their smartphones spent nearly half their time watching premium, long-form content, which the video management and publisher company defines as clips more than 10 minutes long. Long-form content accounted for 71% of all the time people spent watching tablet video in Q3 2012. 

Desktop viewers tuned into live video for an average of 40 minutes, on tablets nearly 20 minutes, and on mobile smartphones a bit more than 10 minutes. About 30% of total tablet viewing time was spent watching content more than an hour long, and 71% of total time watching videos on tablets was spent watching videos 10 minutes or longer.

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