
Why I'm Not Sharing Your Delightful Content (Or Begging You To Share Mine)

You’re goofing off at work, minding your own business, watching baby ducks master a treadmill or whatever the time-waster video of the moment is. Suddenly, in bursts a breathless email from an acquaintance with something he’s shamelessly shilling. “Please like and retweet and share this to your networks! Digg it …

3 comments about "Why I'm Not Sharing Your Delightful Content (Or Begging You To Share Mine) ".
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  1. Lisa Gangadeen from The 33480 Group LLC, December 13, 2012 at 12:13 p.m.

    Can you "share" that link to that Santa cats video, Keith Blanchard? Just jesting. This makes total sense and I'll not ask as much anymore for shares or likes and will just let it happen naturally. Smart, very smart! Thank You!

    Lisa Gangadeen, President
    The 33480 Group LLC

  2. Keith Blanchard from Thrillist Media Group, December 13, 2012 at 12:59 p.m.

    Glad you liked it, Lisa. Unfortunately I have not yet come across a shareably good santa cats video, only the laughably bad. :)

  3. Chris Edwards from Cox Media, December 13, 2012 at 6:13 p.m.

    Now this article is almost sharable. I read a lot about engagement and how important it is to reach opinion leaders and all that. But from my experience, all those opinion leaders are is annoying. They post stuff all the time and I can't help but wonder if they really have any influence. Just because they spend their every waking hour on social media doesn't mean their influencing anyone (at least in my opinion).

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