
Brands Not Ready For Mobile Data

Internet and mobile data will drive ad targeting for Verizon Wireless, though many brand marketers aren't ready to tackle the mounds of data generated from mobile campaigns. The wireless company began earlier this month reaching out to consumers to participate in an initiative called Verizon Selects, an opt-in program that's …

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  1. Jim Burchell from Visual IQ, December 19, 2012 at 4:24 p.m.

    In truth, I'm a bit perplexed by the following statement: "Siddharth Shah, director of business analytics at Adobe, said mobile caught marketers off-guard because consumers led the way for adoption."

    How is it marketers have been caught off-guard? On one hand, how many years in a row has one of the most frequent predictions been "next year is the year of mobile!" We've been hearing this for at least 5-7 years.

    On the other hand, mobile adoption rates have been increasing every year for that same 5-7 year period. Marketers with their head in the sand may have been caught off-guard, but not those that listen to their clients.

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