
Targeted Serendipity: Thinking Harder About 'Relevance'

Perhaps it's because MediaPost Editor In Chief Joe Mandese and I are the same sort of ink-stained humanists predisposed to suspicion about too much automation. But at the end of our back to back OMMA DDM (Data Driven Marketing) and OMMA RTB shows, there was one panelist observation that kept …

2 comments about "Targeted Serendipity: Thinking Harder About 'Relevance'".
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  1. Nancy Brinson from University of Texas at Austin, January 25, 2013 at 8:20 p.m.

    I think you may be overlooking another factor playing a role in some consumer's response (or lack thereof) to personalized messaging. My research as a graduate student at NC State University indicates that a number of consumers perceive increasingly personalized advertising messages as a violation of their privacy, making them more likely to ignore or block these messages. How can we as marketing professionals provide a level of messaging personalization that will be perceived as attractive and not repellent to our consumers?

  2. Reg Charie from DotCom-Productions, January 28, 2013 at 9:46 p.m.

    I agree with Nancy.
    Instead of pushing suggestions based on the user's past choices, I would think presenting more options (search result pages) based on their current search phrases would strongly out perform email marketing.

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