
Travel: Behavior, Location Tells Me Where You're Going

As the U.S. heads into the travel season and marketers start thinking about targeting those on the go, eXelate releases data analyzing travel destinations.  Where travelers go helps marketers to understand consumers'  personalities through activities. 

Travel choices vary based on location. Pacific Northwest residents typically look to Hawaii for tropical …

2 comments about "Travel: Behavior, Location Tells Me Where You're Going".
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  1. Pete Austin from Fresh Relevance, February 28, 2013 at 5:09 a.m.

    I'm puzzled by the headline, because the text suggests that demographics (especially wealth and family origin) is the most important factor when considering long-distance travel. Location seems almost irrelevant (except for the trivial correlation that wealthy people travel more and also live near big cities) as evidenced by your examples of travel to Europe from west coast cities and to Mexico from everywhere. And I can see no discussion of behavior.

  2. Sean Cook from eXelate, February 28, 2013 at 2:07 p.m.

    Pete, I work at eXelate, and you're right that behavior seems to have made it more into the title than the post here. We just put up a bit more at our own blog here:

    The first word in this posts title would more comfortably be "Demography." Location, though, is highly relevant. Location, for example, has a large impact on where you're going to head for next year's tropical vacation.

    This is a fairly quick look at our data, but I do think the top map displays some great spatial auto-correlation and invites a lot more discussion.

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