
Google, Nielsen: Mobile Searches Trigger An Immediate Action Most Of The Time

Android-Phone-LGSome 63% of mobile searches trigger an action within one hour of the initial search, such as going to a store, calling a business, or making a purchase, according to a study released Wednesday. Within that hour, consumers are potentially closer in physical proximity and decision to the purchase. During this time, strategic keyword bidding becomes critical.

It turns out that the majority of searches on mobile devices trigger an action. Some 84% within five hours; 21%, between 1 and 5 hours; 6%, 5 to 12 hours; 6%, 12 to 24 hours; and 4%, 24 hours or more, according to the study Mobile Search Moments: Understanding How Mobile Drives Conversions, conducted by Google and Nielsen. The duo set out to understand when and why people use mobile search, actions taken as a result, and the ways that marketers can capitalize on each mobile search.

Google asked survey participants to log their mobile searches for two weeks in a smartphone diary app. They logged more than 6,000 mobile searches total, and followed up to ask about the actions resulting from the searches. This enabled the engine to draw more precise and measurable connections between mobile searches and online and offline conversions.

Some 45% of mobile searches are conducted to help make a decision, and that number jumps to two-thirds when in a store. The findings show that when people use mobile search to help make a decision, they are more likely to make the purchase.

Within 5 hours of conducting a search, the study attributes 81% of conversions to consumers visiting or calling a store, or making a purchase. Some 55% of purchases happen within 1 hour of the initial search; 26%, 1 to 5 hours; 7%, 5 to 12 hours; 8%, 12 to 24; and 4%, 24 hours or more.

Mobile searches heighten the importance of social actions. Consumers are more apt to share information or photos with one click on a mobile device. Some 59% of those conducting a mobile search share information within 1 hour or less; 24%, between 1 and 5 hours, and 17%, 5 hours or more.

A mobile search also generates leads. Some 59% of those conducting a mobile search will visit a retailer's Web site within 1 hour or less; 24%, between 1 and 5 hours, and 17%, 5 hours or more

One finding seems off point. The findings suggest that 56% call a business in less than 1 hour after doing a search on a mobile device, which I think would have been much higher; 29% within 1 and 5 hours; and 15%, 5 hours or more.

And it seems that showrooming might not appear as bad for retailers than first believed. Searchers are more likely to notice ads when they are in a store, according to the findings.

1 comment about "Google, Nielsen: Mobile Searches Trigger An Immediate Action Most Of The Time".
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  1. kevin lee from Didit / eMarketing Association / Giving Forward, March 14, 2013 at 10:53 p.m.

    Not surprisingly these study results suggest that smartphone search ad PPCs are scientifically below where they should be in most categories. It will be interesting to see if marketers react to the study or require their own "proof" before getting more aggressive in PPC for mobile.

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