Spanning college-aged to career and family-building years, Millennials occupy many life stages which impact their behaviors and attitudes, says the report. Millennials are the first generation to grow up with social media, and for many, their daily activities, highs and lows, meals, purchases and media viewing habits are continuously recorded and shared with friends and followers. The combination of social, technological and economic factors shaping Millennial behaviors and attitudes is powerful and evolutionary, concludes the report.
The Millennial Segmentation study revealed two primary drivers of how Millennials are reacting to their situations:
Half are happy with their current lot in life, while the other half are not satisfied. However, how much Millennials believe they can change their lives breaks out differently, with 57% feeling at least somewhat empowered to do so. Crossing these drivers formed the basis for four segments within the study.
Several demographic patterns emerge within the four Millennial segments. People who felt empowered to change their lives tended to be older, better educated and more established in their careers than those who didn’t. Gender was balanced across two groups, Youthful Pursuits and Indie Dreamers, while Confident Connecteds and Creatures of Comfort exhibited slight female and male skews, respectively. Each segment demonstrates distinct behavioral patterns, attitudes and approaches to life, which carries over into brand behaviors.
From a marketing point of view, this is how the report segments Millennials:
18% are Youthful Pursuits
32% are Confident Connected
25% are Creatures of Comfort
25% are Indie Dreamers
Social media conversations further illustrate the differences between the segments. In social media, Confident Connecteds are defined by a positive tone, sharing with others and a focus on current events and community. Indie Dreamers are more creative, individualistic, and inwardly focused with a sardonic wit. Youthful Pursuits continually demonstrate their youthful spirits in both tone and content, while Creatures of Comfort are the ultimate digital media couch potatoes.
With Regard to Sharing Content:
Confident Connecteds share positive and uplifting content and memes, some original
Indie Dreamers create memes and original content
Youthful Pursits share dramatic, negative jokes and memes
Creatures of Comfort share other people’s memes and content
With Regard to Social Life:
Confident Connecteds are widely active in various interests and hobbies
Indie Dreamers go cool places with friends; share on social
Youthful Purists talk about partying with friends, YOLO, etc
Creatures of Comfort are content to stay at home with friends
With Regard to Social Media
Confident Connecteds use social to share relevant news and information
Indie Dreamers use social to laugh-off life’s aggravations
Youthful Pursits use social to complain and obtain self-confirmation
Creatures of Comfort use social to talk to friends and interact with entertainment
With Regard to Outlook on Life
Confident Connecteds have a positive and motivating outlook; ready to help and enrich others
Indie Dreamers are optimistic, though snide; have a sense that they make a difference
Youthful Purists are melodramatic with a pessimistic outlook on life; feel they are entitled to attention and praise
Creatures of Comfort are content with stagnation and few ambitions; just need a couch and some screens
With Regard to Interaction with Brands
Confident Connecteds talk most actively about brands and share promotions as a sense of pride
Indie Dreamers share positive and negative experiences with brands; ridicule things out of style
Youthful Pursits consider brands as status symbols and mock those considered cheap
Creatures of Comfort will interact with commercials on social media, but complain of over-saturation of ads
The report concludes by offering strategies for connecting with the four Millennial segments that vary by category and brand. However, says the report, the most desirable social media audiences are Confident Connecteds, who are avid sharers, and Indie Dreamers, who will advocate for brands they personally believe in. Youthful Pursuits generate buzz around aspirational brands. Creatures of Comfort are creatures of habit, most drawn to what’s familiar. Several broad marketing imperatives apply to each segment:
Confident Connecteds
Indie Dreamers
Youthful Pursuits
Creatures of Comfort
For additional information from Fizziology, please visit here.
Bravo, this is a significant study and a major contribution to helping marketers connect with Millennials. While Millennials share some broad generational characteristics the power lies in lifestage and attitudinal segmentation. The four segments outlined here make sense and and have clear implications for marketing. Thank you Fizziology and Horizon Media for sharing.
which segment(s) do the 40% who live at home in Mom's basement un/under employed go?