
MRY Opens SF Office To Make Room For David Berkowitz's Awesomeness (Sort Of)

Hmm. Maybe David Berkowitz really is that awesome. If you recall, his former shop, 360i, hired 15 people to replace him when he left to become CMO of MRY. Now there is so much David Berkowitz awesomeness at MRY that the agency had to open a San Francisco office to make room for all that awesomeness. Well, that and the fact that the agency won digital work for ticket broker StubHub. It’s said that the agency will be known as MRY West. And Berky? I'm sure they'll welcome his awesomeness with open arms when he heads to San Francisco for a visit.

So SXSW is right around the corner. You're going, right? After all, it's a mecca for startups looking to launch with a little help from your agency. At least you'd like startups to think that way, right? Well, you better hope they don't read this column by ad man Jake Finkelstein, who offers up 5 reasons why an early-stage startup shouldn't hire an ad agency. Some of his reasons, such as a startup not having a clear picture of their customers, is valid. Others, such as agencies moving too slowly and inability to manage the relationship, aren't so solid.

It's never a good sign when an agency pulls out of an account review for a piece of business as large as CVS but that's exactly what incumbent Arnold did Monday. Of the pullout, an Arnold statement reads: "We have enjoyed a four year partnership with CVS, helping them develop the marketing strategy for the company's expanded direction, and we are very proud of what we have accomplished. However, we have decided not to continue in the agency review process and focus on other strategic initiatives for our company. We part with mutual respect and wish them and their new agency much success." Likely the real reason is far more juicy and rife with drama.

Speaking to Crain's Detroit Business regarding the backlash Cadillac is receiving for its Poolside ELR ad featuring Neal McDonough, Cadillac Advertising Director Craig Bierley said the spot's detractors have it all wrong. It's not targeting the one percent -- it's targeting those making $200,000 or more who "pop in and out of luxury...people who haven't been given anything. Every part of success they've achieved has been earned through hard work and hustle." It's not about materialism. Luxury cars are a byproduct of success, not the objective. It's not saying be a workaholic. It's saying work hard and there will be rewards. It's not a buy American message. The American references were there simply because it was a commercial designed to air in America.



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