NEW! Did GE Reinvents Lightbulb, Jeff Goldblum Stars In Infomercial

geWhat would Thomas Edison think of GE's reinvented light bulb? The GE Link bulb allows users to control lighting via smartphone, Wink hub and app. To promote the lighting enhancements, Jeff Goldblum stars in a two-minute over-the-top ad that has a cheesy infomercial feel to it, which is why it works. I was waiting to hear that users could "set it and forget it," but to no avail. Goldblum's character describes the importance of good lighting. Goldblum himself ages a good 25 years when the lights go off. He explains how the GE Link bulb is luxury at an average Joe's price. "Now you can kiss your horribly-lit, non-successful life, goodbye," says Goldblum. The infomercial also touts the ease of installation for the Wink hub and light bulbs. But don't take Goldblum's word; this infomercial comes complete with testimonials from regular consumers who can set their lights on a timer or adjust all lighting at once. Watch it here, created by BBDO New York and directed by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim. The video is currently running on select cable TV and digital channels.



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