
Ooo! Ooo! Agency Launches New Web Site That Is 'Closely Aligned With Company's Vision' !!

BREAKING! The Brandon Agency, an ad agency based in Myrtle Beach that provides "award-winning marketing communications programs and campaigns proven to drive client success has...wait for it...launched a new Web site (! It's completely redesigned! And they are really proud of it. So let's all be proud right along with them.

Of the new site and the agency's focus, The Brandon Agency CEO Scott Brandon gushed: “Here at The Brandon Agency, big thinking is king. Our new site showcases how we specialize in developing and executing ideas that are good for our clients’ business; big ideas that will produce growth for them, while at the same time providing accountability and measurement.”

The whole new site/non-news element aside, the site does look quite good. It's clean, straightforward and uncluttered. None of that "we are so f*cking creative, we don't care if our site gives you a seizure of makes you feel like an incompetent idiot" nonsense. Nope, just clear and concise information.

But wait, there's more! Brandon adds: “This is the first phase or our site redesign. We will be launching Phase 2 later in the year which includes a more in-depth look into our agency’s people and capabilities.”



3 comments about "Ooo! Ooo! Agency Launches New Web Site That Is 'Closely Aligned With Company's Vision' !!".
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  1. Ruth Ayres from Harte-Hanks, March 25, 2015 at 9:11 a.m.

    This article is is typical of the bad journalism that happens online. A negative headline for clickbait. An opening paragraph that leads the reader to assume the worst. Then quick left turn. The site isn't bad at all. Good thing Mr. Brandon is too busy creating jobs in Myrtle Beach or he'd find you and punch you in the mouth.

  2. Kevin Sniffen from Dial Square, March 25, 2015 at 10:24 a.m.

    The onus is on the person at The Brandon Agency who thought this warranted a press release. I'm glad the headline is click bait because the more people who see that this isn't news the better. I always cringed when a client insisted we distribute a press release for their new web site or a the CEO was quoted in a trade journal or text book. Its pure ego and a waste of the PR person's and the media's time.

  3. George Parker from Parker Consultants, March 25, 2015 at 4:23 p.m.

    Ruth... Ruth... Richard is simply pointing out that in common with most shops, The Brandon Agency is merely regurgitating the same old cliches. Just a couple of years ago we were bombarded with the claims of the likes of Enfatico and the ugly marriage of Draft and FCB, that they were creating the "Agency of the Future" by blowing up the silos and knocking down the walls. Both ended up as "Agencies of the Past."
    Cheers/George "AdScam" Parker

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