Online video ad tech firm Ooyala, a
Telstra subsidiary, on Tuesday announced it has integrated several separate components of its technology into a single platform. The upgrades come several months after Ooyala acquired Videoplaza, a programmatic video ad platform.
The integration marries Ooyala’s existing technology, which focused on analytics, with the ad technology it acquired via Videoplaza. The result is a new plugin available to all Ooyala customers that includes a slew of new features, including anti-ad blocking tech, audience targeting, real-time dynamic ad insertion and more.
Ooyala clients can now use their existing CMS data for targeting purposes, the company says in a release. The real-time dynamic ad insertion tech allows marketers to insert ads during a “live stream when cue-points accompany the video” which leverage “known parameters, such as location and device type.”
Following the Ooyala-Videoplaza deal, MediaPost’s VidBlog wrote: “The combination lets the new company provide a more unified digital video delivery and advertising platform. Ooyala said it will be able to offer a more complete start-to-finish digital video delivery and advertising platform, giving clients information about what people are watching and what advertising will reach them best.”
The article has been updated to reflect that Ooyala's existing technology did not focus on ad serving. Instead, it focused on online video analytics.