Beer and print: a match made in heaven. If you are a thoughtful tippler, an intellectual imbiber, a discerning dipsomanic, then there’s a new magazine for you.
Delaware craft brewer Dogfish Head has launched a quarterly print title, Pallet, targeting readers who “like to think and drink,” as the Web site puts it.
According to Dogfish Head founder Sam Calagione, who serves as executive editor of the magazine, the magazine is meant for craft beer lovers that also happen to be interested in science, history, music, art, and storytelling.
The first issue covers a willfully eclectic range of topics, including Zambia’s 1970s Zamrock scene, Mexico’s Tarahumara running tribe, and America’s big rig trucking culture, along with an interview with iconic New Journalism figure Gay Talese and a profile of Dolly Parton.
Unlike most other new print magazines, Pallet isn’t part of a broader multiplatform, cross-channel strategy involving words like “content” and “super-serving.”Most of the articles will appear only in the print edition of the magazine, but not online. The Pallet Web site is currently devoted to “One Beer One Story,” a project collecting anecdotes and interviews from craft beer lovers around the world.
The publisher states: “Printed on premium stock with an emphasis on handsome design, Pallet is created to be savored and appreciated - just like quality beer.”
Readers can buy subscriptions to Pallet at, and the magazine is also available on newsstands at certain Whole Foods, Barnes & Noble stores, independent bookshops, boutique retailers, and of course any place devoted to craft beers.
The cover price is $14.95 per issue, with a yearly subscription costing $55.
Craft brewing has become big business. In 2014 there were over 3,400 craft brewers operating in the U.S., supporting a total 424,000 jobs and generating total sales of $19.6 billion, according to the Brewers Association.