
Millennials and GenXers Catch Up With VOD

According to 65% of global respondents in a Nielsen online survey, 61 countries say they watch some form of VOD programming, which includes long-and short-form content. The growth of video-on-demand (VOD) programming options (via download or stream) gives consumers greater control over what they watch, when they watch and how they watch, says the report.

Traditional TV providers, including networks and multichannel video-programming distributors (MVPDs), are reevaluating their business models in order to adapt better to consumers’ evolving habits. Business-as-usual methods won’t work in a landscape that is changing so rapidly, says the report, so the field is wide open as all players look to expand share.

Megan Clarken, president, Nielsen Product Leadership, says “… the growth of video-on-demand programming services… (creates) opportunities for all players in the media ecosystem… content will always be king… consumers will demand greater control and customization of the viewing experience…”

The study polled over 30,000 online respondents in 61 countries to gauge worldwide sentiment about VOD viewing, examining who’s watching on-demand content, how they’re watching and why.

26% of global online respondents say they pay to watch broadcast or VOD programming via subscription to an online-service provider such as Hulu, Netflix or Amazon, compared with 72% who say they pay to watch via a traditional TV connection. It appears that more supplementing than shedding is taking place around the world, says the report, but responses vary widely from region to region.

North America and Asia-Pacific lead the way in terms of paying to watch, with 35% of respondents in North America and 32% in Asia-Pacific indicating they pay an online-service provider for programming content. Self-reported usage in Europe falls well below the global average, with a response rate of 11%, while just over one-fifth of online respondents in Latin America and the Middle East/Africa say they subscribe to an online-service provider.

Type Of Service Consumers Currently Pay To Watch Broadcast Programming And/Or Video-On-Demand Programming In North America:

  • Cable 54%
  • Satellite 30%
  • Online Service 35%
  • Other 2%

Source: Nielsen Global Video-on-Demand Survey, Q3 2015

Other findings from the report show that:

  • VOD is becoming a part of daily viewing habits for many. Among those who watch any type of VOD programming, 43% say they watch at least once a day
  • 59% of global respondents say they don’t mind getting advertising if they can view free content
  • 77% of global respondents who watch VOD programming agree that they do so because they can view at a time that is convenient for them
  • Among those who watch VOD programming, Millennials and Gen X respondents are the most likely to agree that they like to catch up on multiple episodes at once

For additional information about the study, please access the Nielsen report here.



1 comment about "Millennials and GenXers Catch Up With VOD".
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  1. Chris Pizzurro from Canoe, March 30, 2016 at 12:29 p.m.

    What can not be ignored is what cable VOD contributes to this picture. Its 54% far outweighs online at 35%. I know all the excitment is around download & streaming, but the real business today in is cable-VOD.   * Full disclaimer, my company, Canoe, inserts ads into cable-VOD.

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