
It's Not Easy Being Green - But You Can Make It Easier

Though there's a certain contingent of the population utterly devoted to going green, there's still plenty of resistance out there. Whether it's ignorance, laziness, or downright denial, not everyone recycles, conserves, or even buys into the idea that these things are important. Some of them are even in Congress.

All the more reason to shine the light on green initiatives in every way you can – to get the word out there and make sure your audience knows all about your brand’s green content and initiatives. Here are some creative solutions to leverage when promoting green content:


We just missed it, but St. Patrick's Day is a great opportunity to talk about green on a number of levels (so make a note for next year). With the mix of green symbols and “lucky” motifs, drawing attention to your green content is a cinch. But there are other special occasions, the most obvious being Earth Day, every April 22, to talk about the advantages of going green. 

Even holidays that have absolutely nothing to do with being green or the environment can be ways to open up a conversation about your green content. How much food or waste do we create at Thanksgiving and how can consumers reduce it? What about ways to make your Memorial Day BBQ more sustainable? Serving up something around holiday-related rituals helps shine a light on your content. 

Pop Culture 

Likewise, drawing on popular culture gets audiences' attention as well. There are the old go-tos like Kermit the Frog supporting green innovation, or celebs who are known for their outreach and charity work with environmentally-focused organizations to grab people's attention. 

You can also tweak the message in more original ways, like using a motif from The Walking Dead to illustrate just how important sustainability is. "We'll be left with nothing if we're not careful" or other such messaging can even bring your content to new, younger audiences. It’s worth finding out what your audience is loving – and hating – at the moment by analyzing consumer sentiment data on social media. Then you can repurpose popular songs, shows, and Twitter memes to promote your content. 

Using pop culture can be tricky though, too, as according to recent research. A recent Marketing Daily article by Tanya Gazdik states, "Consumer cynicism is high globally, with four out of five stating that brands are not 'open and honest.'” This is why it's important to make your marketing consumer-centric. Audiences can spot a sales pitch in a heartbeat, so any use of pop culture has to be authentic – like you’re a fan, too. 

Content Recommendations 

With a content recommendation service, a lot of the leg work is done for you. These platforms place your green content alongside other relevant content, so the audience interest is already there. According to Revcontent, 57% of millennials report they read and engage with content even if it’s obviously sponsored. This is great news. As this generation comes into their own, who better to target to take up the green living torch? 

Additionally, aside from helping readers find your content, you have an opportunity to be digitally sustainable yourself, by reusing older content that exists on your site and giving it fresh life. It’s worth combing through your archives to see what’s still timely. 

Often, finding the narrative behind your message is the toughest part of coming up with an effective digital campaign, but green content is so inherently emotional that the narrative is already there. Finding the right way to deliver that message – whether it's through content recommendations or using Taylor Swift to talk about your green initiatives – is the fun part, especially when you realize how many options are available. 

Going green is a concept that has to be marketed like any other – so use every angle you can, and the world will follow that much sooner.

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