Localytics, a mobile engagement and analytics platform, has announced the launch of an application on Oracle’s Marketing AppCloud. The app will allow clients to connect Localytics’ mobile data with Oracle’s Responsys platform and build a unified view of their customer base.
Using the two data and tool sets, Responsys users can begin to drive more targeted campaigns, tying together the Web and email and app visits to understand and build a more effective cross-channel journey for consumers.
But mobile attribution is not without its problems.
Issues with attribution are unique in mobile for a number of reasons, one of which is that the app experience and the marketing channel are one and the same. Raj Aggarwal, Localytics CEO, claims that Localytics is the only one of Facebook's mobile measurement partners that does analytics and engagement, allowing them to connect Facebook’s data to other, normally siloed datasets.
More than 50% of mobile acquisition comes from Facebook, says Aggarwal.
In an initial use case, a retailer was able to follow up on push notifications sent when a customer got to the parking lot and when they entered the store.
Being able to attribute better leads to better retention, as brands and retailers can offer more personalized messages and reduce churn with more relevant offers. About 23% of users try an app once and then never use it again.
In the end, the data is only helpful if brands and retailers use it to connect to user values and make themselves more indispenable.