Google AMP Tops 100 Technology Platforms

More than 100 technology platforms, from AppNexus and Lotame to Yandex Metrica and Brightcove, now support Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages.

The rise in use underscores the speed in which the community continues to grow, despite challenges reported by users and developers. And as the community grows, more publishers are asking how to best monetize their AMP pages to deliver a faster experience.

One publisher, Hearst Communications, has published more than 1 million AMP pages across its business units. The publisher cites improvements in viewability, ad engagement, and user traffic on properties such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, and

Last Friday, Adobe Analytics published data about the AMP project, estimating that U.S. publishers as of December 2016, see 7% of their traffic coming in through faster-loading AMP pages. The company said that between April 2016 and December 2016, Google AMP grew 405%, with an 896% spike in traffic during November 2016.

"Simply publishing an AMP page doesn’t guarantee success," wrote Vamsee Jasti, product manager for AMP project at Google.

To achieve success, Hearst carried its monetization strategies from non-AMP pages to AMP pages and began to optimize those strategies by continuously adapting to the results. Then the company implemented more than 10 ad-tech and analytics partners to supplement their monetization efforts.

This improved Hearst's viewable rate by 29% and click-through rate by 45% for the optimized AMP pages.

Hearst is not the only company reaping rewards from implementing AMP best practices. eBay began focusing on optimizing for AMP pages in 2016.

eBay principal engineer and Web platform lead Senthil Padmanabhan will speak at the Google AMP Conference taking place at the Tribeca 360 in New York next week and plans to detail the company's integration of AMP in commerce.

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