
If Google Didn't Exist

If Google's or Bing's search engine didn't exist to act as a centralized search engine, how could a decentralized search engine would work on a blockchain?  

One could make a strong argument to build an open blockchain search framework. It would take a similar approach to and -- …

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  1. Michael Elling from IVP Capital, LLC, January 23, 2018 at 8:05 a.m.

    How does this work when 5 of the largest players say they want better economics than the smaller players?  What happens if confederations splinter and then don't link the shared data?  Even then, everyone's search front-end might be different so the results will be different and we're not talking about the same contextual data about the individual's or segments' search.  Caveat, I am no search expert. 

    Right now in the world of crypto/DLT everyone is an island.  Not sure if people really understand (inter)network effects and have thought this through.  Happy to hear otherwise.

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