'Boston Herald' Halts Its Comment Section

The Boston Herald, in a move that mirrors similar actions nationwide, has killed its reader comment section. 

The Herald announced last week that it would close the section, provided by a third-party vendor, on Saturday July 1 “in order to dramatically speed up the performance of the website.”

The announcement continues, “This change will make for a faster online reading experience on mobile and desktop platforms. The Herald values free exchange of ideas and readers can submit a letter to the editor for publication and our content is open for engagement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms.” 



The Denver Post also ended its comment section, with Editor Lee Ann Colacioppo writing that it had become ““an uncivil place that drives readers away and opens those trying to engage in thoughtful conversation to hateful, personal attacks,” according to Media Nation. 

An observer might wonder if this opens up reporters to threats and abuse by email. 

The Boston Herald writes, “Clicking on a Herald staff writer’s byline opens a page where you can email the writer directly. The “Contact Us link at the bottom of our website brings up a directory of senior staff you can contact. In addition, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletters where your ideas are already being put to use on news tips, from the archives research and sports features we chase.”





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