Media Agency Model Found Unfit-For-Purpose, Needs Improvement

An overwhelming majority of multinational marketers believe their current media agency model is either in need of improvement (64%), or is unfit for the future (24%), according to a study released this morning by the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA).

The study, which is based on interviews with 70 marketers representing $50 billion in ad spending conducted by MediaSense last summer, found only 11% believe their current media services model is fit for the future.

“The traditional media agency model is evolving," WFA Director of Global Media Services Matt Green says in a statement released with the report, adding, "The focus is on a more ‘networked’ model, where global agency capabilities – regardless of where they are based – are being leveraged to unlock speed and agility and improve access to talent.”

In fact, if the 27-page report can be summed up in one finding, it is that most marketers are looking for "agile" media agency partners that can adopt and provide more "flexible" media service models for the future, including more simplicity and integration across their roster, including various AORs (including creative and in-house shops), as well as better use of data and technology.



The complete "Future of Agency Media Models" can be downloaded here.

2 comments about "Media Agency Model Found Unfit-For-Purpose, Needs Improvement".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, October 9, 2023 at 4:42 p.m.

    Naturally---what else could they say?

    Agency bashing is a long standing tradition by "clients" who will happily blame the agency for "recommending" TV to magazine and digital media sales execs---while wolfing down free lunches or sitting in the media box at a local ball park----when, in fact, TV is what the client's CMO and brand people are wedded to.

     If things are really as bad as this study suggests what are these advertiser respondents doing about it?And what about the ways that clients are organized, the information and "direction" they give to their agencies, their willingness to explore new ways of doing things,etc? Couldn't be better---right? Any surveys on that---if their agency people would dare to say what they really think.

  2. John Grono from GAP Research, October 9, 2023 at 6:24 p.m.

    What you pay determines what you get.

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