
Last Second Holiday Shopper? Don't Panic, This AI Tool Can Help

With gift giving they say it’s the thought that counts. But artificial intelligence is changing that.  

Just (barely) in the time for the holiday gift-giving season, Minneapolis-based agency Yamamoto has released a “Yuletide” AI tool that takes the thinking out of gift shopping. And the panic for those who put off their holiday shopping until the last minute. 

Well, most of the thinking anyway. Instead of thinking about gifts, all you need to do is type in a few descriptors about the recipient and faster than you can say, “ho ho ho,” out pop a few gift ideas. 



To try it out I typed in “book loving chef museum goer” and just like that the tool offered not just ideas but “shop it” icons to purchase if so inclined.  

And what book-loving-chef-museum-goer wouldn’t want a “unique cooking apron with prints of famous arts and exhibits from renowned museums?” Or a “beautifully curated box set of cookbooks featuring recipes from popular novels.?”  

It was the tool that came with these descriptions, but. I guess the giftee would be the judge of how unique or beautifully curated--or even wanted--these gifts are.  

Try it for yourself, here.  

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