
Spurning Cupid: Brands Are Ignoring Valentine's Day

Romance isn’t what it used to be. Only 22% of brands conducted a Valentine’s Day campaign last year, and 90% didn’t bother sending emails or other messages on the day itself, according to a report by Omnisend.  

That’s a mistake because “Valentine’s Day is a great occasion to offer some personalized deals to your customers, and improve loyalty, along with making some sales,” says Greg Zakowicz, a senior ecommerce marketing expert at Omnisend.

Moreover, the National Retail Federation forecasts $14.2 billion in Valentine’s Day spending this year.

Omnisend analyzed four billion messages, including emails, SMS, and push notifications, sent by ecommerce brands in February during the four-year period from 2020 to 2023. 



The report found that most Valentine’s Day orders are placed on Feb. 8.

But ecommerce brands shouldn’t stop there. 

“Understandably, companies that value Valentine’s Day want to start their communication with customers earlier and increase chances of making sales,” says Zakowicz.

“However, by stopping their campaigns too early they miss a chance to target last-minute buyers or those who appreciate the self-gifting.” 

Zakowicz adds: “This trend of companies deciding to skip Valentine’s Day is not new. In fact, our data shows that as far back as in 2020 only 18% of businesses had messaging around Valentine’s Day.”

So what should brands do (those that still want to send emails in the mere hours that remain?)

One imperative is to avoid being bland. And Zakowicz offers these tips: 

  • Stay on brand — Don’t load up your email with references to love and flirtation. Some people buy Valentine’s gifts for non-romantic reasons. 
  • Don’t forget the singles — People buy Valentine’s gifts for pets, friends and even themselves. 
  • Personalize the deal, and send special offers to your most loyal customers.


1 comment about "Spurning Cupid: Brands Are Ignoring Valentine's Day".
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  1. Ben B from Retired, February 12, 2024 at 7:55 p.m.

    Valentine's Day is a day that Hallmark created after all LOL, I'm always single on Valentine's Day only buy small chocolates or a candy bar for my mom.

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