Publishers Clearing House Lays Off Numerous Staffers

Publishers Clearing House, which provides the publishing ecosystem with first-party data and other services, has reduced its workforce as a strategic response to higher postal, shipping and supply chain costs and other post-pandemic challenges.  

The company did not cite a number, but Newsday reported that 156 people were affected. 

“This difficult decision comes after exhaustive analysis and careful consideration of PCH’s operational realities and the need to prioritize resources in areas for growth moving forward” PCH said in a statement last week.

It continued, “These reductions allow the company to focus resources away from our commerce program and on our primary growth strategy of leveraging PCH’s core strengths and competitive advantages of providing consumers free-to-play digital entertainment and games while delivering identity and data-driven advertising solutions for advertisers, consumer researchers, data and ad tech companies.” 

The company adds that PCH Sweepstakes, which has awarded over $593 million in prizes, has not been affected.






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