
Is There An RFP Template?

Dear E-mail Diva,

We are trying to move our company's e-mail program from batch-and-blast to a more relevant approach. I was looking around for a spreadsheet or form that could serve as an RFP or requirements document for vendors. We're looking for a collaborative approach where we would manage the creative, list management and opt-ins, but not be too dependent on our IT guys for operations. Do you know of an existing RFP template, or should we just come up with our own?

Charles Warnock

eNeighborhoods, Inc.

Dear Charles,

You have some specific requirements for an E-mail Service Provider (ESP), as do most firms, so it would be difficult to imagine a template that could meet all needs. Fortunately for us all, Marketing Sherpa has an outstanding Buyer's Guide that will help you not only develop an RFP but create a shortlist of vendors to invite. It provides comparison charts for all the major players and helps you think through your approach to e-mail based on your internal constraints. I have used it in the past and it is an invaluable resource.



You can also find some tips in my article on ESP Selection Tips.

Good luck!

The E-mail Diva

Send your questions or submit your e-mail for critique to Melinda Krueger, the E-mail Diva, at All submissions may be published; please indicate if you would like your name or company name withheld.

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