Peter Friedman
Member since July 2018Contact Peter- CEO & Founder LiveWorld
- https://www.liveworld.com/peterfriedman/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterhfriedman/
- Twitter: @PeterFriedman
- 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd.
- Suite 101
- San Jose California
- 95129 USA
Peter Friedman is a social media visionary and veteran with over 34 years experience in the space (22 at LiveWorld, Inc. and 12 at Apple). He’s provided multiple global brands with strategic social media guidance and delivered hundreds of social media programs for them in multiple countries and languages. Peter founded LiveWorld, raised over $100 Million in private rounds and an IPO, grew the company to hundreds of employees, and managed its downsizing, survival, and re-invention through multiple market crashes, recessions, and resurgences. He is a fine art photographer, celebrated public speaker, and author of the book, “The CMO’s Social Media Handbook, A Step By Step Guide For Leading Marketing Teams in the Social Media World.” He holds a bachelor’s degree in American History from Brown University, and an MBA from The Harvard Business School. Peter’s life-long mission is to help people create more value together, through collaborative relationships, than they can alone.
Articles by Peter All articles by Peter
- Big Kerfuffle Over Facebook: Okay, Now What Can Be Done That Works? in
Search & Performance Marketing Daily on
The extraordinary power of social media and digital technology is used for good every day -- and at far greater magnitude than the bad.
- New Rules, Tools For Managing Information In The Digital Age, Part III in
Search & Performance Marketing Daily on
The key is to put to put in place tools, rules, and aggressive efforts to motivate and educate users to proactively manage the information they share and how it's used.
- The Facebook Dilemma: It's Not What You Think, Part II in
Search & Performance Marketing Daily on
Facebook overall has very strongly protected user privacy -- but it has made some significant mistakes, which can be corrected going forward.
- Is Privacy Dead In The Digital Age? What To Do About It: Part I in
Search & Performance Marketing Daily on
Most people now prefer to trade their personal information for goods and services. The social network generation accepts that privacy is gone, and expects it.
- Brands And Social: Don't Just Farm It Out in
MAD on
There's a lot of demand right now for social media support, and therefore a lot of solutions. Choose wisely and to get the best results, every brand entering the social space should have dedicated in-house people even if you opt for an end-to-end social vendor who develops and manages your entire program.

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