• Add Big Data To Twitter's 'Everyday Moments' And You Could Go From Real-Time To Next-Time
    Twitter's 'everyday moments' seeks to turn those things we all do and turn them in to marketing opportunities for marketers to tap in to. What could be even more exciting, though, is the addition of big data and it's ability to not just crunch the numbers but look at other data sets to make both real time and 'next-time' predictions. Adding a future tense to 'real-time' would be a game-changer, wouldn't it?
  • World Cup $6000 Per Mention Must Surely Pop Social's Bubble?
    The sums involved in partnering with and sponsoring the World Cup are huge but then so too is the audience. This was dubbed the most social sports event ever and it certainly delivered. But what about ROI? What about the brands who if you take total budget compared to social success ended up paying $6000 to be mentioned? A pin to social media's bubble?
  • Why Is Digital Radio So Un-Digital?
    A new bid goes in for a new commercial Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) licence, resurrecting the prospect of ten new stations. It's good news for consumer choice but with radio revenues dwindling to just 2 per cent of total UK ad spend, I'm still left wondering, when is radio going to put the digital in DAB? Why is digital radio, so un-digital?
  • Why You Can't Market People In To Betting
    Our television screens, radio airwaves, newspapers and online sites will soon be bombarded with offers to tempt sports fans in to opening a betting account in time for the start of the Premier League. Trouble is, online sports betting appears to be flatlining as a proportion of overall gambling, Could an old seasoned sports betting marketer be correct when he lamented that no matter what you do, people are either gamblers or they aren't?
  • Let's Connect iBeacons To A Shopper's Internet Of Things
    Retail experts are rightfully very excited by iBeacon technology that allows shops and retail districts to interact with shoppers at an individual level. But why stop there? Why not connect to their Internet of things so they walk into a store with a shopping list they never realised they had? Why not turn one-way promotional offers into a fully formed two-way service that assists shoppers way beyond coupon and offer alerts?
  • Who Knows Better Than The Pope How The Vatican Should Tweet?
    The Vatican is putting together a committee to help it modernise its media strategy. It sounds like a great idea -- but a word of caution would warn that the world is full of brands and organisations who don't realise they already have a huge following and so turn to "gurus" to show them how it's done. The results may look wonderful, but the most important social lesson of all is, you may know a little more about yourself than you think you do. Caveat guru, I say.
  • Why Brands Are Naive To Think Agencies Can Move Beyond Charging For Their Time
    The talk of the town is remuneration again. No, not Sorrell's pay this time, but instead how agencies should engage with brands and charge for their services. The principle sounds good. Be more strategic and charge for results. The practice is somewhat harder to imagine. Brands tend to work with rival agencies across different channels, some digital, some not. How can they expect agencies to take on the risk of performance-led pay when so much is beyond their control. They can't. So it will remain a talking point -- a moot one at that.
  • Manchester United Sponsorship Bid Is A Lesson In Accepting That Now Is The New Norm
    The new norm is a wonderful phrase because it sums up perfectly well what many marketers currently have to grapple with as they come out of their recessionary bunkers expecting to find growth. But should they? The possibility that right now is the new norm and the good old days are not waiting in the wings is exemplified by Man United reportedly seeking to double its kit sponsorship deal, presumably because it expects glory days to return. But why should they?
  • Are You Ready For The Tablet Age's Video And Second-Screen Opportunities?
    PC sales have been slowly declining for years, and within a year will be outsold by tablets. This opens up an exciting opportunity for brands to intensify their video strategies -- both banner and native -- to take advantage of a device far better suited to streaming than a laptop or a small-screen smartphone. At the same time, second-screening should become far more immersive and content-led.
  • Does Real-Time Content Marketing Suggest UK Government Gets Digital?
    A real-time, agile, content-driven strategy delivered through strategic media and brand partners isn't something you'd normally expect to hear emanating from Whitehall -- but that's exactly what Public Health England (PHE) is currently engaged in. So top marks for a government agency that has looked at how digital can fit in and actually appears to "get" it.
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