Marketing Daily
Monday, August 31, 2009
  • Despite Sponsorship Cuts, Ford Sticks With Keith

    Kevin Schebil, manager of Ford truck communications, says the automaker has a presence at each of Keith's 40 to 60 shows a year. "But … Read the whole story

  • Beyond Green

    Social responsibility, from a consumer's point of view, is not what most of us think. That's why AAA made it to the top of … Read the whole story

  • Toy Purchases: Little Room For Impulse Buys

    "A lot of purchases happen for a gift-giving occasion like Christmas and birthdays, and parents do put thought into planning what they're going to … Read the whole story

  • New Popeyes Commercials Introduce Wings

    The campaign includes 15- and 30-second TV spots and a 60-second radio spot featuring "Annie the Chicken Queen," a fictional Popeyes chef with a … Read the whole story

  • N.Y. Toy Store Mobilizes A Scavenger Hunt

    The small New York firm is using a digital idea that is big in Japan to get people engaged in a lighthearted way with … Read the whole story

  • Peacock Struts 'Colorful' Campaign

    NBC will be adding a subtle two-word marketing tweak to its fall promo efforts: More Colorful. The aim is to broaden the appeal of … Read the whole story