Marketing Daily
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
  • Nissan Asks: What If Everything Ran On Gasoline?

    The effort includes four 15-second teasers and a 60-second ad. Says VP marketing Jon Brancheau, "This campaign was conceived to challenge the notion that … Read the whole story

  • Amusement Parks Appeal To Thrill-seeking Families

    Industry analysts are predicting that the improving economy, growing consumer confidence and a steady decline in gas prices will put more motorists on the … Read the whole story

  • Boating Industry Banking On Evangelists

    "Our job is to leverage the passion and experiences of current boaters to draw new boaters to the sport," Carl Blackwell, chief marketing officer … Read the whole story

  • YouTube's Merton Helps Promote Montreal Festimania

    Montreal's 11 summer festivals already draw some 3 million visitors (out of a total 6 million visiting the city during the summer). But Montreal … Read the whole story

  • Have Holiday, Will Travel

    "There is definitely going to be a bump in the number of leisure trips compared to last year," TripAdvisor spokesperson Brooke Ferencsik tells Marketing … Read the whole story

  • 8 Ways To Inject Your Brand With Mojo

    It seems like we could all do with a bit more mojo these days -- something to get things kick-started and steaming forward again. Read the whole story

  • Florida's Summer Campaign Goes All Social

    The bipartite effort comprises an exclusive Facebook buy to appeal to families in 16 of Florida's key drive markets. The effort centers on a … Read the whole story