• What's A Hulu To Do?
    Hulu, owned by the same fine folks who give us NBC,ABC and Fox, once again is toying with different models for paying for content. It has tried a few already.
  • Despite Worries, YouTube Is Doing Very Well, Thank You
    Google and YouTube second-quarter earnings arrived yesterday and at least momentarily, it put a damper on those stories hinting at a faltering YouTube being kicked to the autoplay curb by feisty Facebook.
  • Unruly Joins The Completed-Ad-View Derby
    Unruly,just announced its cost-per-completed view (CPCV) idea, which allows advertisers to pay for a view only when it's been watched for 30 seconds. Take that, Facebook.
  • Imagining a 'Magical' YouTube Music Experience
    YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki now says YouTube's MusicKey service, now in beta, will debut to all before the end of the year. It joins a suddenly growing pile of competitors. i
  • Netflix Rules, Aim For The Niches, Execs Say In A New Report
    In a new study commissioned by Ooyala and Vindicia, it predicts OTT revenues will double to $8 billion by 2018, and could go as high as $12 billion. Netflix will dominate but there's still a business in a limited number of niche OTT services. But not too many.
  • For Some Of Us, Pay Services Are A Steal
    Ever since HBO Go began, scammers have used somebody else's ID to be able to stream HBO where they were. Or Netflix or Amazon or Hulu. Usually, these scammers are college-aged. Usually "somebody else" is their parents.
  • There's Real Money In Those YouTube MCNs
    According to Ampere Analysis, the 100 largest YouTube multichannel networks have a collective valuation of nearly $10 billion. It says the average MCN is worth ten cents per monthly view. Those dimes add up.
  • UPDATE: Is Facebook Ripping Off YouTube's Video?
    Two high profile articles, one on Slate, the other from Mashable, details how some Facebook users are downloading YouTube videos, stripping out the most identifiable aspects, and reposting them on their NewsFeed. And it doesn't seem that Facebook seems to mind.
  • Sizmek Makes A Play For Mobile Autoplay Ads
    Sizmek introducing a video autoplay workaround for HTML5, that would let an advertisement run, without sound, automatically when a user lands on a site. Facebook and Twitter already use autoplay, and as more and more video views originate via mobile phones, Sizmek's ability to offer it to other publishers is a big deal for them. Consumers might not think so. \
  • How A Bad Binge Experience Can Just Ruin Everything
    New research from Conviva says 42% of binge viewers who have a bad experience trying to binge--lousy playback, hard to find content, that sort of thing--give up on the series and the presenter. And that's just the tip of the buffering iceberg.
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