• HBO Go's Hilarious New Commercials
    HBOGo has produced a series of great spots in which parents join in to watch hot HBO movies with their kids. Awkwardness ensues! The solution: HBOGo.
  • YouTube Losing Key Product Head
    It looks like YouTube is close to losing it product head, Shishir Mehrotra. “A spokesperson for the search giant said Mehrotra would become an adviser at the company,” Re/Code reports. The change is significant. At YouTube, he is a very big deal, responsible for product, engineering and user experience, as well as monetization functions.” 
  • Vevo Boasts Strong Viewership
    Music video hub Vevo is boasting a nearly 50% increase in videos streams over the past year. “The company, which is controlled by Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment, hit a monthly average of nearly 6 billion views in December, a 46% rise from a year earlier,” Reuters reports. What’s more, close to 65% of the videos are being watched on mobile phones, Vevo CEO Rio Caraeff, tells Reuters. 
  • Get Ready For Aereo's Day In Court
    The New York Times' David Carr takes a final look before the Supreme Court hears arguments in the ABC v Aereo case on Tuesday. He repeats speculation that if Court sides with Aereo, broadcast networks might abandon local affiliates and essentially become cable channels to maintain retransmission consent fees. "That would be bloody," Carr writes.  
  • Netflix Accounts For Over Half of All Online Streaming
    Great Britain comes to grips with Netflix and mesmerizing all-day viewing of series: Hear how Ben Hammersley, Internet technologist and adviser to the UK government on technology companies, explains the joys of binge viewing in this BBC interview. It sounds better in proper English.
  • Despite Efforts, Online Content Still Can't Attract Big Audiences
    With the NewFronts approaching, Financial Times finds content and pricing hasn't quite wooed advertisers.  
  • Despite Efforts, Online Content Still Can't Attract Big Audiences
    With the NewFronts approaching, Financial Times finds content and pricing hasn't quite wooed advertisers.  
  • In China, Live Internet Content Finds A Lucrative Path
    YY.com has 92 million monthly viewers of live streams, coming for karaoke, games shows and sexy hostesses, often working out of ordinary apartments. onlin
  • Cheesy Singapore Tourism Video Inspires Inspired Parodies
    Singapore's tourism officials are taking parodies of their silly tourism ad in stride, even admitting many of them are funny. Usually Singapore officials usually don't take criticism very lightly.
  • Some Evolving Rules For Branded Videos
    A branding campaign that gets results on TV might not do as well online. Instead, ads need to stand on their own as entertaining or informative content, says Joe Migliozzi of Mindshare, who gave his new rules for branded video at a Beet TV content marketing summit.
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