Twitter Follows Tweets To TV


Real-time content isn't dead. It's just thriving in platforms other than search engines. Mass Relevance and Crimson Hexagon introduced separate partnerships to help marketers curate and publish Twitter content on television, along with Web sites, mobile and large-screen displays.

The partnership between Twitter and Mass Relevance allows the companies to license and display any of the more than 250 million tweets sent daily from about 100 million users.

Mass Relevance's integrates Twitter tweets into its platform and filters the content. The company also supports an API that allows agencies to build a front-end user to display the content.

Mass Relevance CEO Sam Decker said the deal permits media publishers to monetize Twitter content around their own. The company became the first of several partners officially licensed to re-syndicate Twitter content for display on television and other media, including billboards.

Mass Relevance powered the Twitter integration of NBC's "The Voice," and is working closely on joint projects such as the White House's recent Twitter Town Hall. Tweets would show up as a lower third on "The Voice," for example.

Decker said the platform can filter 4,000 tweets per minute, down to about 30 that might go on the screen during some TV shows. The tweets served on TV are in near real-time.

The deal will help turn social into more followers, tweets and sharing, Decker said. "It's about bringing earned media into owned and paid media to make them more effective," he said. "One thing we know is real-time social content offers more engagement than typical advertising marketing messages."

Twitter said it doesn't view these partnerships as a revenue-generating source, but rather as ways to increase the company's presence on television as it tries to expand its services.

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