Thanks, Apple, says Apple. Thanks, Apple, says Apple. The makers of iPod, iPhone and iPad and the music label for The Beatles share the same corporate
moniker and mutual gratitude on the first anniversary of the Fab Four’s music catalog going on sale. Both companies have issued new content and promotions that show off both Apple Inc. and Apple
Corp's respective legacies of creativity and design.
Late last week, an extensively enhanced e-book of the Yellow Submarine story arrived sith no advance word in the iBookstore. The film’s groundbreaking animation design and artwork are recreated in the book via page animations, spoken narration and embedded audio and video clips from the film. The book is offered for free, apparently as a promotion both of the Beatles on iTunes as well as the specific Yellow Submarine soundtrack of songs, which can be purchased directly from iTunes in the back of the book.
The iBook is based on a physical book from 2004, but this version includes 14 video clips from the 1968 film and background audio from Sir George Martin’s original score. It was designed by Fiona Andreanelli, who used the original artwork for the film by Heinz Edelmann.
Apple really does appreciate Apple Corp.’s decision a year ago to deliver the Beatles catalog to the iTunes store as the legendary group’s sole digital download distribution partner. According to reports, it took years of negotiations and false starts to get what is arguably the most desired music book of all online. Since The Beatles music appeared in iTunes on Nov. 16, 2010, Apple reports selling over 10 million of their songs and 1.8 million albums. Thirteen remastered albums were made available.
The new iBook, while published by Apple Corps, Ltd., has certainly served Apple by showing off some of the animations and interactivity now available in the recent iBook 1.5 update to the eBook app in iOS.
Apple (the iTunes Apple, that is) returns the favor with a new TV spot that it launched online over the weekend. This animated flythrough of all the major Beatles album covers promotes the group on iTunes. Our suggestion: for trippiest effect, watch this one in HD full screen with the speakers cranked.
Caring about The Beatles is just a few years away from caring about Sinatra or Elvis. Is there no shelf life at all for popular music?