
Online Female Gamers Are Over 35, Have More Sex Than Non-Gamer Women

Now that I have your attention, let’s look at this enlightening data from a marketing perspective. This result is from a Harris Interactive survey of 2,000 adults in October 2011 on the behalf of GameHouse. There is much discussion around the billion-dollar gaming industry and how to understand and connect with the target audience. Surprise -- online gamers are comprised of 55% women with the majority over the age of 35. They tend to be happier, engaged socially online and apparently have more sex.

Women Gamer Stats Harris Interactive:

  • 64% are over age 35
  • 61% play between 8 p.m. and midnight
  • 86% socialize once per day online
  • 57% have sex once per week vs. 52% of non-gamers
  • 61% play to relieve stress
  • 58% play to alleviate boredom and take a mental break

Let’s take a look at one of our website partners, It offers many free multi-user games that encourage collaboration instead of competition, strengthening social networks while promoting positive social interaction. A recent 2011 survey of their registered players returned 8,000 responses with the average age of 50. The top reasons for playing social games was for social interaction, to relieve stress, relax, and enjoy mental stimulation in a friendly gaming environment. The Boomer women stats are in alignment with the Harris Interactive survey.


advertisement Survey Findings:

  • 70% of players are ages 45 and up
  • 80% of players are women
  • 57% of players are between 45-64 years old
  • 83% of players have made at least one friend
  • 77% of players play more than one hour a week
  • 37% of players play more than five hours a week
  • 87% of players play from home

The panel I am speaking on at the Consumer Electronic Show’s Silvers Summit Jan. 10 is about the online gaming industry. The gamer panel includes Randy Paynter from Care2, Asi Burak of Games for Change and Fred Howard of Kingsisle Entertainment. Together, we will uncover the facts and stats of this growing industry and dismiss the myths and misconceptions of Boomers and seniors. Attendees and astute marketers will also better understand the key female target audience economic strength, who makes or influences 80% of the household decisions and one of the ways to reach her online.

Marketers and ad agencies always ask us for new online ideas – beyond the banners. Some of the unique online advertising programs we utilize is integrating brands into games, pages, video and content on our 140 site partners. The questions marketers should ask include: Is my brand reaching and engaging baby Boomers online where they spend their time on a trusted site with relevant content? Is this custom program scalable? Will my brand be in a premium position?

Whether its gaming, gardening, grandparenting, socializing, quilting, chatting on auto sites, learning about finance and wealth strategies, reading about health issues or planning the next big trip – the fact is Boomers/seniors are on that site by choice. They have a relationship with the site, content and in some cases other members.

Boomers are online 15 hours per week vs. teens’ 13 hours per week and hold 70% of the U.S. wealth. No wonder Boomers are online so much, sites are improving their content, have an authentic voice, offer relaxation, stimulation, health benefits, empowerment and an added bonus – a better sex life!

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