Digital Magazines Popular, Men Hold Edge


While more than half of both male and female tablet owners are interested in reading digital magazines, the proportion is especially high among males, with 77% of male tablet owners saying they want to read digital magazines on their device, compared to 68% of female tablet owners.

That’s according to the latest research from GfK MRI’s iPanel, a new survey group composed exclusively of tablet and e-reader owners.

Overall, 71% of tablet owners said they were interested in reading digital magazines on their devices. The proportion was even higher among younger adults, with 85% of male tablet owners 18-34 saying they would like to read digital magazines, along with 78% of female tablet owners in the same age range.

Tablet ownership also encourages readers of both genders to read back issues of magazines: 19% of tablet owners who read a magazine on their device in the last 30 days also read back issues of the same title, according to GfK MRI --  including 20% of male tablet owners and 19% of females. 

In terms of how tablet owners read magazines, the most popular way is apps, with 65% of tablet owners who read a magazine in the last 30 days doing so via an app. Meanwhile, 47% of tablet owners accessed magazine content by visiting the Web site, and 37% read a digital reproduction of the magazine.

Risa Becker, senior vice president of research for GfK MRI, observed: “The fact that younger men who own tablets are interested in reading digital magazines bodes well for digital magazine advertisers, since this demographic has been historically hard to reach.”

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