TV stations'
newscasts reach key voters better than national cable news networks -- at least according to one TV trade association.
Local TV early and late TV news programs in the top 10 markets have
32% of its viewership coming from the core "voting" demographic -- those 35-54 -- per the TVB, the TV and local media advertising trade group, with analysis from Nielsen.
By contrast, that
demographic is underrepresented by prime-time cable news networks -- just 22%. The TVB says the top 10 markets' prime-time TV newscasts generally mirror the U.S. population as a whole. Those 35-54 are
39% of all voters.
The group says within the TV markets of the key battleground states, local broadcast news delivered 28% of the 35-54 voting demo.
Cable news networks -- CNN,
CNBC, Fox News, HLN and MSNBC -- do generally better with voters 65 years and older -- where are 50% of its prime-time viewers. But those over 65 are a smaller group than younger 35-54 voters,
representing 19% of all U.S. voters.
By contrast, top 10 TV markets hit 31% of these viewers. Within key battleground states, local broadcast hit 38% of these key voters.
Both local
TV and cable news networks underrepresent younger voters 18-34, who comprise 24% of voters. Local TV news in the top 10 markets reaches 9% of these voters and cable news networks reach 3%. Within key
battleground states, local broadcast hit 9% of these voters.