The trend continues for
young viewers: A lot of time watching video on the Internet.
Nielsen Cross Platform Report says this comes in at almost an hour and a half hour each week for 18- to-24-year-olds, the most
of all demographic groups. Nielsen says nearly half of these viewers grab their smartphones at least once a day while watching TV.
In their "extended home" -- their college residences --
only 9% of college students 18-24 have a DVR versus 66% in their primary home, their parents' domicile. There, students are more likely to have a gaming console than in their college dorm/living
places, at 72% versus 53%.
Cable penetration, however, is nearly the same at college as their parents' home -- 98% in their parents homes; 96% in their extended homes.
students, 18 to 24 years old -- especially independent college students (those who attend college but identify themselves as independent household members) -- were less likely to own a DVR, a video
game console or a tablet. While 15% of college students own a tablet, just 8% of independently structured college students own one.
Streaming video at college for students is a big deal,
versus that of other viewers. Nielsen says they spend 18% of their time watching streaming video, with 82% spent watching TV.
"Couple watching something on mobile phone photo from Shutterstock"
From a focus group of 1 in this demographic, they never watch tv without their mobiles. In fact, they grab their phones once a day and it rarely leaves their hand/pocket.