Millennial Moms Mobilize Throughout The Food Chain

According to a new survey of over 1500 users by, Millennial moms are leveraging their smartphones and tablets throughout the meal planning, food shopping and cooking cycle. Younger moms ages 18 to 34 are 44% more likely to own a smartphone than older moms, and almost a third of them are using their phones to make shopping lists. More than half -- or 53% -- are using their phones to find grocery promotions and discounts, and about 20% are looking for discounts and coupons.

The Millennials are following through with their devotion to devices in the kitchen as well. Almost 75% of this group that owns a tablet will use them while cooking. And almost half of these tablet-owning Millennials have shared a recipe through a social site while on the tablet.

Even outside of the young mom category, mobile devices are exceptionally popular for family chefs at every stage in the meal planning and preparation. Allrecipes found that 45% of all of their users are researching products on their smartphone. Forty-five percent are finding locations or directions to store on their device, and 33% are checking prices before shopping.

Moms with kids at home are especially reliant on social media for helping with the cooking. Seventy-one percent of these moms follow brands or stores on social media in order to discover sales and discounts, substantially more than the 57% of moms without kids at home.

For grocery shopping at least, in-store smartphone use for deal-hunting is still not quite as prevalent. Only 20% of Millennials are pulling out their phones while at the store to seek special offers. Much higher percentages across all age groups are still finding their discounts and coupons in the newspaper, from the Internet, from mail or from their loyalty coupons. 

1 comment about "Millennial Moms Mobilize Throughout The Food Chain".
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  1. Naomi Wilson from EZ Commerce Solutions, August 3, 2013 at 8:25 a.m.

    I am a millennial mom and I created and built 2 free apps that will help moms shop and order at restaurants. If you have kids, you will love these 2 apps. I use them everyday.
    App that lets you checkout of any store without taking anything out of your shopping cart. Its a fast checkout.
    Allows you to order food before the server gets to your table. Works in any restaurant.
    Hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think.

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