The Station to Station train carrying artist Doug Aitken has left on its nomadic tour, and Levi’s is turning its sponsorship of the event into a global journey of self-discovery using social media that
creates a rolling data visualization.
Under the hashtag #MakeOurMark #Who, people around the world have responded to the question “Who Are You?” The second question, “What Moves You,” kicked off on Thursday #MakeOurMark #Moves and the data visualization is taking place at
The interactive art projects allow the audience to collaborate with creative artists Dave Eggers and Stephen Shore, who are riding the actual train.
The main theme of the Levi’s campaign is “Go Forth,” “The Future is Leaving.”
Levi’s is taking the 140-year-old heritage of the brand equipping pioneers with clothing they needed to “Go Forth” and expanding it to the modern frontier measured in ideas, connectivity and creativity -- one of limitless potential built on the ideas and inspiration of an extended global community.
The campaign was created in partnership with agency AKQA. The four questions to be answered as the train goes cross-country are “Who are you?” “What moves you?” “What’s your approach?” “What’s your dream?”
The artist on board the train were equipped with Web-enabled tools -- a 1939 Graphlex Speed Graphic/Instagram still cam, 1953 Bolex/Instagram videocam, a 1941 Gibson/Soundcloud guitar and a 1901 Underwood/Twitter typewriter.
The data visualizations are being overseen by interactive artists Cedric Kiefer, Rei Inamoto, Justin Windle and David Kraftsow.
The idea is that the artworks form a vivid and original portrait of the Modern frontier, capturing and shaping how the Levi’s brand equips those who are making their mark on the world.