As you get ready for this weekend's "Mad Men" episode, the last for this year, you might want to check out Jen Chaney's witty list of 10 "crackpot" theories (Don as D.B. Cooper, famous for hijacking a
plane in 1971?) as well as more likely guesses (power struggle at the agency?) on what will happen at 10 p.m. Sunday night on AMC. We love the comments, too -- from a prediction that Bob Benson and
Sal (remember him?) will meet at the gay-historic Stonewall Riots, to this comment about showrunner Matt Weiner's anti-spoiler addiction: "As you all look for themes, just remember that last week's
DVR summary said 'Pete gets invited to join a club' and that meant the mile-high club. Weiner is not going to make it easy for you."
Read the whole story at Vulture/New York Magazine »